Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen.

This is one of those rare moments in time that I have done nothing to prepare for this particular blog. Usually, I've got notebooks filled with scribbles, random papers everywhere, and all kinds of jibberish saved to Word before I begin an actual entry. Instead, today is going to be a first for many things, I believe.

I will begin by stating the obvious, which is that today is November 12th, 2013. 11/12/13. For lack of a better term, I think that it is just a really cool occurrence. It will never happen again, at least in that sequence, and according to sources except for TMZ, today is considered a day of extreme luck and blessings. In fact , millions of people all over the world are getting married today for just that reason.

Personally speaking,  today represents something quite extraordinary. Today my parents pack up their home in NJ and make their way to NC, to live all but a few blocks away from my family. I'm sure that this doesn't come as a surprise to many of you, but for those of you who do not know my parents all that well, there was just NO WAY IN HELL that they were going to live that far away from their only child and their precious grandchildren. All kidding aside, they just wouldn't be able to go on with their daily grind without seeing my twins. Can't say I blame them, they are pretty stinkin' rad.

While my father is in all of his retirement glory, my mother holds onto the same sentiments that I did when I first moved south. Shit, who am I kidding? I still hold on to ALL OF IT. New Jersey was my "home." I was born in Syracuse and lived there until I was in 6th grade and there are a lot of memories there, my whole family still lives there. But NJ is where I "grew up." It is where I went through all of things that made me the person that I am today. It is the place where I married my best friend, the place where I had a rather successful career, the place where my babies were born AND conceived. New Jersey is where I fell in love for the first time, it's also the same place that taught me what the true meaning of  loss was. I struggled, and I overcame. I made some of the best friends I will ever know. Almost all of my best memories exist there. Some of my worst memories do too.

So really, it only makes sense that I am feeling all sorts of emotion today. Soon my parents, who also happen to be my best friends, will be with me. We will create more memories here...together.

Today just also happens to be my brother's birthday. Joe would have been 44 today. 44! It just doesn't seem possible. My mother, Margaret, gave birth to him 44 years ago today in Germany. That baby boy came to be known amongst everyone that met him as the sweetest , most beautiful baby boy that they had ever seen. That same boy, many years later came to pass as one of the coolest guys anyone had ever met. And unfortunately, he also became known to thousands as Joe Lucido, the boy who took his last breath at 17 years old. That all happened in New Jersey too.

So, I propose this.

I propose that today be a day of remarkable happenings. Maybe there is something happening in your life that deserves a shout out. Or maybe you just got to leave work early. Who knows, maybe tonight as you sleep , something changes. Either way, it's a day that needs to be noticed.

For me, today is the day that my parents make their journey to join me, and we embark on a new adventure.
It also represents the day that my only sibling was brought into this world to change everything. For so many people. He changed me, and my life.

So I raise a toast, and feel free to join me...To this cool ass day..11/12/13
To new beginnings and to remembering

Happy Birthday my brother.
I love you.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Last Week Sucked

Yes, I know. What kind of title is that? Go ahead and call me Ms. Miserable or Debbie Downer, but at least hear me out.

Before I go any further, for the purpose of clearing up any confusion or just for those of you who give a rat's ass, I must state that this blog has shifted a bit. While I pride myself on being that girl that does nothing but argue the questionable sex appeal of Dave Grohl, get Google alerts if something Foo related is happening, and thrive in the fact that I continue to get texts, emails, tweets and posts from pretty much everyone I know if a band member has an ingrown toenail, I've come to the conclusion that for the time being, there is just not enough material to infect the world with Foo.( Although, I do enjoy seeing a tweet from one of my old co-workers stating that he stayed in his car until a Foo Fighters song had ended. He said he felt that it was just the right thing to do. I love you Cooley.) I know that there are far more important things going on in this world to be concerned about. Personally, I'm not terribly interested in The Housewives, the teen moms, Angelina's boobs, or Kim and Kaye's baby, but that the majority of the world is. What  did they name him anyway, Equator? Regardless, as much as it pains me, there's more on my mind than the Foo Fighters these days. (See how I did that? "These Days?".....anybody?) On that note, I recommend that we all take a moment to reflect upon this tragedy. *sigh*

So onto my shitty week. Who doesn't have these occasionally? Everybody does and they vary in the size of sucking. A car wreck and you lost your job? That's about a 9 on the suck scale. Sunburn and your new tattoo is spelled wrong? That's up there too. But the garden variety would include the bad week at work, significant other is making you mental, can't afford to pay a bill or two, HBO cancelled True Blood, and/or you stubbed your toe. My week fell right in the middle somewhere.

It started out okay. My family hosted this pot luck/drink a lot/meet the neighbors gig at our new house on Sunday that went really well. Pot "luck" is a good name for those types of gatherings because you just never know what you're going to get. You could end up meeting your best friend or maybe the love of your life. You could make some new contacts and land a great job. You could play Yahtzee and do shots and dance to bad music. Or you could get food poisoning.

My parents were in town for the shindig and my brother-in-law and his partner stopped by too.
Even though I was super sad that my parents had to leave on Monday to head back to Jersey, I was in a pretty good mood. Things were starting to feel "comfortable" in my new North Carolina surroundings. That was until Tuesday. Tuesday was the day that vomit came to town. Not only was Adam (brother-in-law) sick, so was my mother, as was I.  And by sick I don't mean we had an upset stomach, I mean the three of us combined may have set a new world record for most vomiting (and other things) in a 24 hr time frame. At least Adam and I were at home. My mom was on the road. Seriously, can you imagine anything worse than being in a moving vehicle when you feel like you've swallowed an alien? And I can just see my father trying to do his best to be supportive. "What the hell do you want me to do Marge, we're on a highway??!! You'll be fine, just lay back." Yeah Dad, that sounds like a stellar idea. Have her lay back so that the tilt-a-whirl motion of the vehicle will induce flop sweat and more up chucking. I'm surprised she didn't spew all over the dashboard causing my father to veer of I-95 Dukes of Hazzard style. (Minus the Daisy Dukes cuz Mama don't play that game.)

But my mother came prepared. She had stolen some of those liners that you put in the ice buckets at hotels from their last stop. That's right, the belching and dry heaving were no match for Margie and her little clear plastic bags that are meant for lining an insulated container. They may have been small and worthless, but dammit if she didn't fill three of them up as my Dad marveled at the beautiful Maryland landscape. I'm proud of you Mom. (FYI: rumor has it that she has been banned from all rest stops along the eastern seaboard. I think I saw it on CNN.)

Adam gets a Medal of Honor too. Here's a guy who hasn't been "sick" since regurgitating his Frosted Flakes in the backseat of a Buick in the late 70's.  This guy has been known to eat some pretty questionable leftovers in the blink of an eye.  So it surprised me quite a bit when he said he was considering going to the emergency room, seeing as he was knocked unconscious while playing hockey some time ago and acted like he broke a nail. He was sick as hell but made jokes about it. Said he'd rather get shot than feel the way that he did. I love my brother-in-law. Anyway, moving on.

I had to agree with him. Whatever it is that we ingested was evil. Every move I made seemed to make every muscle ache. NOTHING, and I do mean nothing, gave me the least bit of comfort. It was horrendous. It wasn't just the ongoing trips to the bathroom, it was that feeling of doom that I couldn't handle. I cannot say for certain but I'm pretty sure I was hallucinating at one point. I did,  however,  fall asleep for about 1/2 hour and had a dream that I was tied to a tree in the deep forest. My husband walked by me on his way to collect berries or something and said  "I hope that the woodland creatures pick up your scent." Seriously???? I'm telling you, whatever entered/exited my body was purely demonic.

After 2 days of torturous beatings upon our digestive systems, we all started to feel a bit better. I decided to take a quick bike ride through the neighborhood to get some fresh air. Upon my travels I heard rumblings in the neighborhood of other people being sick. That's right, someone tainted the pot luck extravaganza. Maybe it was the egg salad sliders. Perhaps it was the homemade mac n cheese. Whatever it was, it had claimed at least 15 victims. The plumbing may never be the same in this neighborhood.

So that right there would make for a bad week, but in my world that's just a taste of what's to come. No pun intended. In no particular order the following also took place last week: I tried on an old pair of jeans and I couldn't button them. They are 2 sizes bigger than what I was wearing a few months ago. If you ask me, that right there was the icing on the cake, but NOOOOOOO.  I also lost a few years of my life on Wednesday evening when I opened the dishwasher to be surprised by a titanic sized water bug that was coming right for me.  My reaction prompted my husband to only assume that I had lost a limb in a tragic kitchen accident.  My favorite flip flops melted outside and ended up looking like shrinky dinks. I also scalded myself in the shower because I forgot which way that stupid friggin' handle was supposed to go. Right=off. Left=3rd degree burns on your buns. But the highlight would have to be the older gentleman who decided to take it upon himself to inform me that pregnant women shouldn't drink, as it reeks havoc on the fetus. Thanks for the tip Billy Bob, but I'm not with child, and now I  may just drink this 12 pack in one sitting. At that point I began to wonder if being tied up to that tree in the woods might just be the brighter side for me.

Ironically, I didn't give in, or give up. I sort of just went about my merry way, stumbling along the path of horror mixed with humor that is my life.

And then there was Friday. Friday marks the end of thework week which USUALLY means that there is a light at 
the "end" of the tunnel, or so they say. It was like any other day, all of us up
at 6:30, getting ready for our day. The week had already been a shit show, so my
hope was that this particular day would propel us into a good weekend, but it
was not to be.

The background story is this: As many of you already know, my family and  I have
recently relocated  to Wilmington, NC from New Jersey. We built a really nice
house that is a few miles from the beach. Wilmington is a really great place,
full of history and charm and plenty of opportunities.  My husband and I met
here back in the late 90's while working in the movie biz. The cost of living is
considerably less and a wonderful place for us to have a  fresh start and raise
our family. That's the GOOD PART.

The bad part would be leaving behind a life that my children and I had grown
very accustomed to.   Don't get me wrong, my husband did not force anything upon
us, it was a mutual decision, but that doesn't mean that it made the move any

Earlier in the week, around the same time that my insides were coming back up,
my son Cameron complained of a belly ache. I, of course, kept him home from
school based solely on how atrocious I was feeling. It turns out that his belly
wasn't infected with the same evil that I had, but it was all just nerves. He
admitted this to me in private, and my heart just broke for him. He missed his
friends, his old school, his old routine, and the life that he had known. I
reassured him that his secret was safe with me, that I could be a pretty cool
mom, and I had no intention of blowing his cover.

So Friday morning rolls around and his belly hurts again. This time he is
visibly upset and can't seem to pull it together. With everything I had, I gave
him my best Mom pep talk. I reminisced of my big move to NJ from upstate NY when
I was in 7th grade and how I cried every day before school. I told him how
scared  I was and how alone I felt, and how angry I was at my parents for making
me move. I then informed him that even though he did not feel well, he still had
to go to school.  That's when things took a turn for the worse.

The ride to school he quietly sobbed in the back seat, occasionally telling me
how bad his stomach hurt, and as much as it literally killed me inside, I pretty
much ignored him. I tried to make jokes, I tried to play our favorite music,   I
even  tried to muster up a good loud belch to get him to laugh. No dice.

As we pulled into the school, he said that he was going to be sick. Great. So I
pulled over right in the parking lot, for everyone to see, and told him to get out
of the car so he could puke. He wouldn't get out. frustration began to boil over. Not
only did I not want him to barf all over himself, but parents were starting to
stare at us.

After a few minutes of sheer hell, I got back in the car and I once again
explained to him that he was not making my job as a mom very easy. I told the story of the  "boy who cried wolf."  He wasn't sick on Tuesday, so chances were
he wasn't sick on this day, but he insisted. So he became even more upset with me and the 
bell was about to ring.

In a moment of utter desperation I parked the car and I told him to get out, and
that I was going to walk him to the door. (Which, at this school, you are not
supposed to do, they have this whole  drop off system with arrows and signs and
shit.)  He proceeded to plead with me. So I pulled out one of my last playing
cards and told him that I would bring him into the school nurse and we would take it from there. By some stroke of sheer luck, he agreed to this.

Once in the nurse's office, he settled down a bit. I explained our predicament
to the nurse and she willingly went ahead and took his temperature and asked him
questions. The hands on the clock kept on moving towards 8:00 and I just didn't
see any hope in sight.  I told the nurse that I was going to step outside to
call my husband and as I left the office I spotted Cameron's teacher. She was
headed to the nurse to see what was up with him. I rehashed our situation one
more time. We talked for a bit, and then she said the words.."just go, he will
be fine. I will take care of your boy, get him whatever he needs."  I knew she
was right and at that moment I felt like a complete failure and the tears
started flowing. She gave me a huge hug and  I started on my way out. As I left 
turned around and I saw Cameron standing in the doorway crying and asking where
I was going. 

There is just nothing worse than watching your child suffer. I realize that
things could have been ALOT worse, but in the eyes of my son, this WAS the worst.

I drove home, wiped the snot off of my face, stopped for a tub of coffee, and
went home to keep myself occupied. I actually made it through the day without
calling the school to check on him OR losing my mind.  All I could think about
was his sad face and him having to try and get through HIS day.

My husband picked the kids up at school and I waited impatiently at home. I was
sitting on the porch when they pulled into the driveway and my first sight was
Cameron in the backseat waving to me with a smile on his face. A smile.  He got
out of the car and came towards me and what happened next was completely
unexpected. He wrapped his arms around me, gave me a hug, and a big kiss on the
cheek. He looked right at me and didn't say anything, but I knew what he was
thinking. We were ok with each other.

And that right there was my week.  While it wasn't enough to have me committed ,
it was just enough to warrant a Xanax. Normally, I bounce back pretty quick from
these things like this, but it was much harder this time. I'm a stranger in a
strange land, and even though I have more than I could ask for, I miss the
comfort of what I "knew" in NJ.  I'm only human.

The silver lining is that I have been forced to find a way to express how I've
been feeling, and I express myself right here. Good or bad, funny or sad, it

It was a bad week, but I'm hopeful. I'm thinking the worst is  over for now.
Or at least until tomorrow.